(908) 766-1010 • (908) 654-1330 • (973) 966-8010


Dryers usually do their job without fuss.  What can you do to be safer?  Be sure you clean your lint trap every load, and check/clean your dryer vent both inside the house and out.  At the outside of the house, lint often clogs the louvers, reducing air flow and adding to the time it takes to do a load.  You can even vacuum out the outer piece.   Also, although awkward, it wouldn't hurt to disconnect the dryer duct at the back of the unit and clean it as well.


Helpful Hint:  Here's a checklist/chart:

Problem Gas  (120 volt normal plug) Electric (240 volt large cable or large cord and plug)
Dryer does not run at all 1.  Check the outlet with a lamp to see if it works.
  1. If is works, you need to call an appliance repair shop. (We can recommend some.)
  2. if not, follow the directions about circuit breaker (Click it Off and then On again) If this doesn't solve it, call us.
 It is usually a double wide 30-amp breaker.  Click it Off and then back On again.  If this doesn't solve it, call us.
Dryer runs but does not dry Since the power is working, you need to call an appliance repair shop. (We can recommend some.)   This indicates that only part of the power is working.  

If you have an electric stove/oven or central a/c do they work properly?  Do your lights flicker or do they get brighter than usual sometimes?

  1. If not, you have a main household power problem it could be a street/utility problem or a home electrical problem.  Call us.
  2. If they work fine, try resetting the dryer breaker.  If there's still a problem, call us or an appliance repair shop.  
Dryer takes a long time to dry. Check the dryer vent to see if air flows freely.

If the heat cycles On and Off frequently, it is probably an appliance problem. 

You need to call an appliance repair shop. (We can recommend some.)

Check the dryer vent to see if air flows freely.  Generally, the electric heat portion works normally, or not at all.  You need to call an appliance repair shop. (We can recommend some.)